合同会社Mikage 合同会社Mikageでは、エネルギーを画像として記録した「宇宙アート」を開発・製作・販売しております。持ち物のひとつとして携帯するのはもちろん、遠隔でエネルギーを転送するサービスも承っておりますので、グッズを持っていない方もサービスのお試しができ、アートを所有せずに効果を受けられます。美容や健康などのお悩みがありましたらぜひお試しください。

How to transfer energy remotely

This section describes how qigong transfers energy to remote locations.

Transferring energy remotely with qigong is not done in a physical way, but rather through the workings of consciousness.

Transferring energy with qigong to a desired person or object is called a qigong treatment.

The treatment is to send energy to the person (i.e., client) for the purpose of exerting a specific effect, e.g., to eliminate the person’s disease.

The elements necessary for a treatment are;

  1. Identification of the subject of the treatment (identification of the destination)
  2. to perform the treatment (transfer of energy)


In this section, we will explain the identification of the target and the transfer of energy, assuming that the energy is already prepared.

(For more information on the basic principles, please refer to “The first steps of Qigong”)


As mentioned in 3. of the fist steps of Qigong, if there is an object to be treated in front of you, you can transfer energy by directly holding your hands over it.

So how do you transfer chi to a distant client (either a person or an object) ?

The answer is to bring the remote client to in front of you in the consciousness.

Since the chi energy is transferred by the working of the consciousness, the destination is determined by the consciousness as “here”.

Therefore, we can also think of the remote client and decide to transfer it there.

This can be explained in the following way: by visualizing the client, we can connect the client and transfer the energy to the client through the connection.

We can also say that the connection is a relationship. Once the relationship is established, it can be traced by consciousness, and energy can be sent there.

Is that all there is to it? You may think, and the answer is “Yes, that’s all there is to it.”


You don’t have to think of it to connect in mind.

For example, suppose you wanted to transfer chi energy to a bottle of wine located far away.

In this case, if you can get a picture of the wine bottle at the destination, you can send the energy.

The picture of the wine bottle is connected to the wine This is because the picture of the wine bottle is a picture of the bottle to which it is being forwarded, and is therefore connected to the bottle.


So, when you direct your consciousness to the picture and intend to transfer the energy to the picture of that wine bottle, the energy is transferred to the actual wine bottle, tracing the  connection, and the wine inside is affected.


In our energy transfer service, we ask our clients to send us a picture of the container to which they want to transfer the energy, and we direct it there. (If you are interested in this service, please experience it for yourself.)

In fact, we do this same thing unconsciously.

It is the act of prayer.

Prayer” is done in the form of “may the ○○ become the □□□”.

The “□□□” is the state we want to achieve, and the “○○” is the destination.

May Mr. A’s illness be cured.

The state of being cured is the desired state, and Mr. A is the destination.

May you win the 100 million yen lottery.

The state you want to achieve is to win a 100 million yen lottery ticket, and you are the destination.

In qigong, ○○ is the destination of energy and □□□ is the role that energy has.

All of this is done only by the work of consciousness, and it does not matter if person A is far away from you.

In qigong, we transfer the energy by saying, “I transfer it to ○○,” while in the imperative form, “May it become,” we transfer the energy by saying, “I transfer it to ○○.

Sometimes what we pray for comes true, and if it is miraculous, we think we have received a blessing from God.

Qigong can be described as the art of transferring the intended energy (i.e., intended benefit) to the intended target (i.e., the recipient of the benefit).

I think that the act of praying and qigong are essentially the same.


And since qigong is something that anyone can do, sometimes when it works, the benefits come true.

Then, we should intentionally create benefits, right?

Is this getting interesting?

This will be explained in “How to Get Energy”.



  1. To transfer chi energy, if we can identify the destination, we can connect and transfer the auspiciousness.
  2. If you have a picture of the container to which the energy is to be transferred, you can connect and transfer it.
  3. Qigong treatment has the same form as prayer.


合同会社Mikage 合同会社Mikageでは、エネルギーを画像として記録した「宇宙アート」を開発・製作・販売しております。持ち物のひとつとして携帯するのはもちろん、遠隔でエネルギーを転送するサービスも承っておりますので、グッズを持っていない方もサービスのお試しができ、アートを所有せずに効果を受けられます。美容や健康などのお悩みがありましたらぜひお試しください。

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