合同会社Mikage 合同会社Mikageでは、エネルギーを画像として記録した「宇宙アート」を開発・製作・販売しております。持ち物のひとつとして携帯するのはもちろん、遠隔でエネルギーを転送するサービスも承っておりますので、グッズを持っていない方もサービスのお試しができ、アートを所有せずに効果を受けられます。美容や健康などのお悩みがありましたらぜひお試しください。

How to set up barrier

The term “setting up barrier” is commonly used as a pervasive term, but not many people actually know how to do it.

Here I will explain how I used to put up barrier during my healing sessions.

It is surprisingly easy.


  1. What is a barrier?

A barrier is defined here as a boundary that divides space into two areas. A well-known example of a barrier is the torii gate of a Shinto shrine. The torii gate separates the outside from the inside of the shrine. The inside is the domain of the shrine and is clearly separated from the outside world. Some energy-sensitive people experience a completely different sense of energy between the outside and the inside of the torii, depending on the shrine. Why is there a clear difference between the outside and the inside of the torii, even though they are physically connected to the ground? It may seem curious, but a barrier is something that functions to create a boundary between these energetic realms.


  1. How to set up a barrier

I will explain how to set up a barrier. Please note that the method explained here is only an example of what I have actually done.

The method is to place the chi sphere on the boundary of the area.

That’s all there is to it.

For more information on ball of chi, please refer to “The first step of Qigong”.

To briefly explain the ball of chi, imagine that you are holding a ball the size of a softball with the palms of your hands facing each other, and that there is a warm, soft ball inside the palms of both hands.

If you maintain this image and gently press the palms of your hands together, the ball of chi will push back with elasticity, and if you can feel it, you have created a ball of chi.

Barrier can be created by placing these ball of chi along the area to be wired.

For example, if you want to place a ball of chi in a rectangular area, you can place balls of chi at the four corners of the rectangle, and you can distinguish inside and outside of the boundary by the line connecting the balls of chi.


Placing a ball of chi literally means placing a ball of chi in that location.

Holding the ball of chi you just made with both hands, bring it to the place where you want to place it, and gently place it as if you were placing a balloon, and you have placed the ball of chi.

The first time you do this, you will feel like you are doing a pantomime, but that is how qigong in general works. In the beginning, you should feel as if you are performing as if you are. In fact, that’s how it works.

As you get used to it, you will be able to make it just by imagining it.

How long does it take to get to that point? It depends on whether you have a good sense of what you are doing or not, but I think you need to do it tens of thousands of times.


  1. Use barrier

I used barrier for the purpose of healing with qigong. The purpose was to define the area to be purified by barrier in order to energetically purify the place where I summon the client when I remotely channel qigong energy to the client.

It is thought that the barrier of a shrine is also done to keep the inside of the shrine as a place of clean energy. This is because God (a shrine is a place where God can come) can only exist in a clean place. In order to summon God, it is necessary to purify the place.


  1. How to apply warding

Since barrier is a tool to energetically separate the outside from the inside, it can be used in many ways. I once had a qigong teacher who told me that when she set up a barrier, her cat stopped coming inside it. Another teacher said that mosquitoes stopped coming inside the barrier. This is very practical. If you are interested, why don’t you give it a try?


合同会社Mikage 合同会社Mikageでは、エネルギーを画像として記録した「宇宙アート」を開発・製作・販売しております。持ち物のひとつとして携帯するのはもちろん、遠隔でエネルギーを転送するサービスも承っておりますので、グッズを持っていない方もサービスのお試しができ、アートを所有せずに効果を受けられます。美容や健康などのお悩みがありましたらぜひお試しください。

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